Kristian Stoynev
Days Go By, Forever, 2021 - Ongoing
Installation of a Grid of Nine C-Type Photographic Prints on Fujifilm Crystal Archive Paper, Off White Mounts, Framed
Print size 25 x 20 CM, Frame Size 60 x 40 CM
Edition 1 / 2
My name is Kristian and I have been living. Learning and photographing in London for over eight years. I get a kick from simply documenting change, as this is our most unique... Change is time and time is constant, the ever-changing nature of existence is inevitable.
For “Days Go By” I take inspiration from Graham Harman’s object-oriented ontology (OOO), Heidegger’s ‘’Thingness’’, and Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’.
I create some ‘thing’ that otherwise would be no ‘thing’. I document therefore immortalise and give a new meaning to the objects left facing the fate of the world. Eventually each one of them goes. Some go quick, but others like to stick around.
I start to accept them as things and not objects, because they get more familiar each time.
Then the next day I expect to be greeted once again, however I turn to see nothing but an empty space. For a moment, my head goes silent as if out or respect to this which is now gone. We do not often feel time and change but instead we learn to live around it. Buildings rise, graves expand, flowers bloom. How often do you experience time, or do you know how to?
Anyone could follow a spot, something, anything, from small detail on a wall to a dirty sofa chair. We all go on journeys so often that there will always be something to look at. Our day-to-day life numbs us down and we forget to remember; then get lost in time. I use object as a memento to be aware of time, place and space.
We are built to explore, what excites me up is the unknown, the unexpected and everything uncommon.
Days Go By. Forever on Plum Lane
March twenty-fifth to May twelve, twenty twenty-two
Days Go By. Forever on Cycleway
March twenty-seventh, twenty twenty-two

Days Go By. Forever on Lombard Street
April eleventh to April Eighteenth, twenty twenty-two
Days Go By. Forever on Spray Street
November eighteenth, twenty twenty-one to March fifteenth, twenty twenty-two